2 Corinthians 8:1-4 ~ 20190804 ~ Pastor Rodney Zedicher ~ Ephraim Church of the Bible ~ www.ephraimbible.org
08/04_2 Corinthians 8:1-4; Grace Received and Expressed; Audio available at: http://www.ephraimbible.org/Sermons/20190804_2cor8_1-4.mp3
We are in 2 Corinthians 8. Paul takes two chapters here, toward the end of his letter, to address issues of grace. He has used the word 'grace' six times so far in this letter, three times in chapter 1, once each in chapters 2, 4, and 6. In these two chapters alone, he will use this word 'grace' ten times (even though in our English translations it is not always translated as 'grace'). He will use it twice more in 2 Corinthians before he is done. Over half of what he says about grace in 2 Corinthians is here in this section.
The Collection For Jerusalem
Anyone who reads these two chapters would agree that Paul is talking about giving. He is talking about a fundraiser. He is collecting money from Gentile believers to bring relief to the poor saints in Jerusalem. He referred to this in Galatians 2:10. He mentioned this in 1 Corinthians 16. He will mention it again in Romans 15. We see it played out in Acts (24:17).
But just as Paul intended to reshape our thinking and understanding of ministry in 2 Corinthians 2-7, that ministry is self-sacrificial service for the good of others, that ministry looks like Jesus in his suffering for others, so he aims to reshape our thinking about giving. He uses the word grace, he uses the word simplicity or singleness, he uses the word fellowship, he uses the word ministry or service, he talks about an expression of love. He even uses words like 'blessing' and 'liturgy' or a sacred act of worship in chapter 9.
He does use the word gift, but only to point us to God's grace, God's gift that has been given to us; and he points to the Macedonians who gave themselves to the Lord.
In 1 Corinthians 16, where he talked about this same issue, he used the word 'collection' and 'collecting', but even there it was 'your grace' that was to be carried to the saints in Jerusalem. By his very choice of words, he is causing us to rethink giving.
Grace Given
2 Corinthians 8:1 We want you to know, brothers, about the grace of God that has been given among the churches of Macedonia, 2 for in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. 3 For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own accord, 4 begging us earnestly for the favor of taking part in the relief of the saints— 5 and this, not as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then by the will of God to us.
'But we make known to you brothers, the grace of God which has been given in the churches of Macedonia.' This is important. There is something we need to pay attention to.
Remember where we are in 2 Corinthians. In chapter 7, Paul picked up his narrative about Titus that he left hanging back in chapter 2. He finally connected with Titus in Macedonia, and God comforted him through Titus, and through the news he brought of the Corinthians' grief and repentance. God worked a grief in them that produced repentance and salvation. Paul rejoiced over this work of God in them.
Now in chapter 8 he moves his attention to the grace of God given to the Macedonians. Paul rejoices over the work of God in the Corinthians, and he rejoices over the work of God in the Macedonians.
Reciprocal Joy
As we have seen, there is a theme here of reciprocal joy. Titus rejoices over the work of God at Corinth, and Titus' joy causes Paul to rejoice. And he tells the Corinthians that they brought him joy by bringing Titus joy so that they can join in the rejoicing. There is a communal escalation of joy. We find joy when we rejoice in the joy of another. Now Paul turns our attention to God's work in Macedonia to further increase our rejoicing.
God's Grace
'But we make known to you brothers, the grace of God which has been given in the churches of Macedonia.' God's grace. This rich word grace; unearned, freely given favor and kindness. In verse 9 he focuses our attention on the grace of our Lord Jesus, who gave himself for us. Grace. Unmerited. Unearned. Undeserved. We had no claim. We could make no demand. Grace is free. Grace is gift, freely given. Romans 4 teaches us that grace is the polar opposite of wages. Wages are owed. They are worked for and earned, and they create debt. Grace is free, unworked for, unearned. There is no obligation. God gave grace in the churches of Macedonia.
This should cause their hearts to sing! We deserved God's wrath; the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom.6:23). We worked and we earned eternal separation from God. But in the gospel he treats us contrary to what we deserve; he pours out his love on us; he pays an infinite price and adopts us, he treats us as his very own sons and daughters. We have tasted his grace. We have experienced his love. And when we hear that God has given his grace to others, it should cause our hearts to leap! God has freely extended his grace to more sinners! We have more siblings! Enemies overcome, transformed by grace into friends, brought near by the blood of Christ! God is rich in grace, abundant, lavish.
Grace in Affliction
'But we make known to you brothers, the grace of God which has been given in the churches of Macedonia, that in much test of affliction, the superabundance of their joy and the deep depth of their poverty superabounded in the riches of their sincerity,'
The context of this gift of God's grace is affliction. Pressure. Squeezing. He says they were 'in a severe test of affliction.' They were undergoing persecution. They were in the middle of a trial. On Paul's first visit to Macedonia (Acts 16-17), he and Silas were imprisoned in Philippi and then asked to leave. In Thessalonica, the jealous Jews incited a mob and set the city in an uproar. Not finding Paul, they dragged Jason and some other local believers before the city authorities, accusing them of treason against Caesar, and proclaiming another king, Jesus. Paul and Silas were sent off by night to Berea, but the Jews from Thessalonica followed them there and stirred up the crowds, so Paul was sent off to Athens in Achaia.
Here on his return visit to these churches in Macedonia, Paul writes
2 Corinthians 7:5 For even when we came into Macedonia, our bodies had no rest, but we were afflicted at every turn— fighting without and fear within.
Paul tasted their affliction when he visited. He doesn't tells us what kind of persecution they were now suffering but it is described as 'a severe test of affliction.' Verse 2 goes on to describe their situation as 'their extreme poverty,' literally, 'their according to depth poverty'. Their poverty was deep. They were down in the depths of poverty.
Transforming Grace
But the grace of God had been given. And God's grace is transforming grace.
'that in much test of affliction, the superabundance of their joy and the deep depth of their poverty superabounded in the riches of their sincerity,'
They had a superabundance of joy in the middle of the test of affliction. This is grace. Note carefully that God's grace is transforming grace, but it doesn't transform their circumstances. We are not told that they were rescued out of the severe test of affliction. God's grace transformed them. They had superabundance of joy in the middle of the severe test of affliction. God is able to change our circumstances, but he is more interested in transforming us. This is supernatural joy. They were in intense affliction, and their overflow of joy poured into the deep depths of their poverty and a nuclear reaction took place. It exploded out in a superabundance of riches of sincerity. God's grace transforms the depths of poverty into divine riches, divine wealth.
Paul uses another word, here translated 'generosity'. Its usual meaning is 'simplicity' or 'sincerity', literally singleness, in contrast to duplicity or a double-minded or divided heart. Jesus said 'that the eye is the lamp of the body; if your eye is single your whole body will be full of light (Mt.6:22). He said this in the context of 'no one can serve two masters' and 'do not be anxious about your life'. There must be a single Master and a single focus. There must be a sole aim to please the Lord.
This is a word he had used (probably) back in 1:12
2 Corinthians 1:12 For our boast is this, the testimony of our conscience, that we behaved in the world with simplicity and godly sincerity, not by earthly wisdom but by the grace of God, and supremely so toward you.
Notice there as well, that Paul's simplicity and sincerity is by the grace of God.
He uses this word 'simplicity' or 'single-mindedness' here in 8:2, and in 9:11 and 13, and once again in 11:3.
2 Corinthians 11:3 But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
There is only one Master. There is a single-hearted devotion. 'In much test of affliction, the superabundance of their joy and the deep depth of their poverty superabounded in the riches of their single-hearted devotion, that according to ability (and I testify) beyond ability voluntarily, with much encouragement begging us the grace and the fellowship of the service to the saints.
God's gift was expressed in a superabundance of joy in the midst of affliction that struck against the depth of their poverty to spark an explosion of single-hearted devotion to Christ. God's free gift of grace found expression in their eagerness to graciously give in service to others. God's grace changes us. God's grace toward us ignites grace in us toward others. We become eager to show kindness and love to those who don't deserve it, our brothers, even our enemies.
Do you see the wealth of their singleness of heart? It was voluntary. There was no pressure from Paul. There was the pressure of persecution that helped to focus their affections on Jesus. But there was no pressure, in fact Paul was reluctant to allow them to participate. It was according to their ability, even beyond their ability. They did more than they could. How? Because God's grace makes things possible that are impossible. They did that which was beyond their power to do. God's grace enabled them to do it.
Out-Giving God?
I want to be careful here. We are talking about money, giving, and there is a common saying that you can't out-give God. There is truth to that. But don't misunderstand that to mean that if you give a dollar that you will get more than a dollar back somehow. That would be duplicitous. I'm going to give not because I just want to give, but because I want to get something in return. There is nothing in this passage that says anything about their situation of poverty changing. It was out of the depths of their poverty that they gave, and that would serve to increase their poverty. They ended up with less money than they started with. When they gave, they weren't thinking, 'this is a foolproof scheme to manipulate God into giving us money and improving our material situation.' No, they embraced the fact that they were going to have to get by with less.
But here's the beautiful thing. It increased their joy. They demonstrated that their joy did not come from their circumstances, from having all their material needs met; their joy came from God. They were recipients of God's grace! God was more satisfying to them than a shirt on their back or a roof over their head or a meal that would take the edge off their hunger. Their wealth was their single-hearted devotion to God.
Grace Expressed
Paul, it seems, was inclined to discourage their giving. He saw that it was beyond their ability. But with much encouragement they begged us the grace and the fellowship of the service to the saints. We are rightly nauseated by the stereotypical tele-evangelist (rather tele-extortionist) begging people to give. But here the apostle is saying 'no, you really shouldn't, it's beyond your ability' and they are saying 'Please, we want the grace, we want the fellowship. We have received God's grace and it has stirred in our hearts a longing to express that grace in sacrificial service to others. We want the fellowship, the communion, the having things in common with other believers, the bearing one another's burdens. You can't deny us the privilege of communion and extending grace!
You see how this connects with the rest of the letter? He started by talking about the comfort or encouragement that God brings to us in our affliction when we share in Christ's sufferings, Christ's afflictions.
Here he is talking about money, about generosity and giving, but he is after not our money but our hearts. He is pursuing our single-hearted simplicity of devotion to Christ, a genuine experience of God's grace, not receiving the grace of God in vain; but an experience of God's grace that so profoundly changes us, that it must necessarily overflow in joyous generosity, extending grace to others. He is pursuing our connection, our fellowship, our joyful communion with all the saints.
Are you eager for opportunity to live out your fellowship with other believers? Are you eager to extend grace to others? Begging for the opportunity to bear one another's burdens? Are you willing even to embrace affliction, to increase your own discomfort, in order to lovingly serve others?
This comes from God. This is the overflow of God's grace given to you. Are you overwhelmed that God has made you a recipient of his grace? Look! Look afresh at God's grace. Wonder, marvel, be amazed that God would love you! Unearned, undeserved! That God would show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward you in Christ Jesus (Eph.2:7). Receive his grace and be transformed!
Pastor Rodney Zedicher ~ Ephraim Church of the Bible ~ www.ephraimbible.org